Quick Review: Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman

ChallengerDeep-final-cover-hi-rezPlot in a sentence: Caden Bosch is a brilliant High  School student who has been starting to act oddly… but he is also on a ship headed for the Marianas Trench, the deepest and most mysterious point in the ocean.


Recommended age: 13 and up


  • Mental illness: the main character has schizophrenia and we encounter youths with other mental illness.

Who will love this book:

  • Readers who want to better understand those who experience the world differently.
  • Fans of fantastical, high sea adventures… real or otherwise.

What I liked about this book:

  • Everything! Between this and Scythe, Shusterman is a new favorite author of mine. But I suppose that’s a terrible review. 😉
  • Shusterman gives us an honest, nuanced vision of living with mental illness without the stereotypes and fear mongering. As someone with a mental illness of her own, I truly appreciate it.
  • The back and forth between Caden’s life dealing with increasing paranoia and delusion and his ship board adventure. It was quite fun looking for the links between the two narratives, even though there isn’t a one-to-one correlation.
  • The illustrations by Shusterman’s son, which are fascinating and give an interesting glimpse into his thoughts.

If you liked this book, read: Calvin by  Martine Leavitt for another teen with schizophrenia on an unusual adventure.


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